Embodied Breāthwork- Pre-Recorded Courses
A Rebirthing Journey- 7 Week Course
In this 7 Week pre-recorded course, Hanna-Jade’s guides you through the theme of rebirth.
Each session explores an individual energy centre (chakra) within the energetic body, using somatic syntax and yoga principles.
You’ll learn how to explore and balance these energy centres with 7 guided 90minute classes utilising advanced practises such as deep breathwork, energetic release, somatic movement and self-inquiry.
Each session comes with a comprehensive worksheet to support your journey and personal integration.
Wk 1- Mūlādhāra- Reclaiming Our Roots
To be grounded is to be connected to our emotional-electrical currents, to the waves of our needs and images and the rhythms of actions which comprise our physical-psychic processes: the rhythms of the human and natural ground- Stanley Keleman
Our Survival Instincts lie at the base of the collective unconscious as inherited tendencies and preferences that have developed in the human psyche over the course of evolution. These instincts form the natural impulses of the body to defend itself and to connect with the environment. When these natural instincts are under or overactive we can become disembodied and disconnected from our environment.
By reclaiming the Root energy; making the unconscious conscious we can live harmoniously with our survival instincts without being unconsciously ruled by them. This type of work is the foundation, it’s the mulching of the soil and the strengthening of our connection to our physical bodies.
Wk 2- Svādhiṣṭhāna, - Growing The Lotus
Lose your mind and come to your senses- Fritz Perls
Once a strong grounding and stabilisation are established within the body-mind, the nervous system can begin to settle. It’s here that our consciousness can begin to expand beyond the limitations of our survival instincts and so we start to let go into the movement and flow of life. Movement stirs feelings through increasing our sensory input and the senses offer a gateway to our emotions which are the language of the soul spoken through the body (Felt-Perception). Stuck emotional states that may have frozen in time within the body, require tenderness to melt from the core outwards, and the capacity to develop a strong container to withhold the flow of life within.
To reclaim the Sacral Energy is to embrace our right to feel and express. It’s to learn how to breathe into emotional blockages and to free any unmet parts of ourselves with the love and presence we yearned for as a child.
Wk 3- Maṇipūra- Unfolding The Petals
The privilege of this lifetime is to be who you are- Joseph Campbell
If our grounding is strong and solid and the natural flow of emotion and movement is not thwarted then we have the means to convert energy into action. As we continue to receive input from our surroundings the energy within the system builds and begins, like any open system to need reorganisation expression and discharge. The natural expression of this energy is activated and It engages us with our surroundings allowing us to charge and discharge our excitement and teaches us about the world and about ourselves.
To reclaim Manipura Energy is to find the edge of our inner willpower by moving beyond the trance of unworthiness that keeps us locked in cycles of inertia and ignorant striving. It’s to start a sacred fire in the belly that’s ready to confront our shame and burn bright in radical self-acceptance. As well as to hon the skills of focus and control so that we can manifest and materialise our greatest dreams in this world.
Wk 4- Anāhata, Bursting Open
Love must rise beyond the Self.
Riding the waves of our power centre (Manipura), we now arrive at the very heart of the chakra system. Like the plants that grow towards the light from the roots in the Earth, we reach outward into directions anchoring the manifesting current deep in our bodies and expanding the liberating current as we reach beyond ourselves. Through Balance, we find a centre from which we can love through and form deep relationships that can help us to transform the self-centred ego-driven desires into self-full acts of compassion and service.
To reclaim the heart energy is to establish balance within the centre of your being. Healing the heart involves attending to the most vulnerable and sacred aspects within ourselves and only through attending to theses truths can we drop the protective armour that shuts out love.
Wk 5- Viśuddha - Pollination
Our individuality is our personal rhythm of pulsating- Stanley Keleman
At the level of the fifth chakra, our attention moves from the physical plane into the subtler etheric fields. The throat chakra is the internal gateway between mind and body it is the narrowest passage within the whole chakra system, the throat is literally a bottleneck for the passage of energy. We can think of it as a kind of relay system sorting through messages from the body and connecting them with information stored in the brain. Only when mind and body are connected do we get to experience the clarity of our own creative resonance through open communication with ourselves and the world around us.
By Reclaiming the voice energy, we begin to own our inner truth and freely express it. But first, we must learn to listen to ourselves especially if this was denied to us as a child. The listening offers discharge to unexpressed emotional tension in the body thereby opening up the sounding chambers within to create through self-expression our own unique inner resonance.
Wk 6- Ājñā - The Seed Pod
We don’t see things as they are, We see things as we are- Anais Nin
The body itself is a screen to shield and partially reveal the light that’s blazing inside your presence.- Rumi
Rising up into the energy centre located in between the eyes on the upper brow is the third eye or also well known as the inner eye. As we continue to evolve our ever-expanding sense of the self within the universe we start to be able to see really far and more intricately too. The inner sight offers higher guidance; We can see where we have been, where we are now and now where we would like to go, developing wisdom. Our physical eyes are the organs of outer perception they tell us that something exists and the inner eye relates to mystical, it’s the organ of inner perception and it tells us what is.
By Reclaiming the Inner Eye energy we are attuning to non-ordinary states of consciousness. This opening can radically shift our perspective and understanding of the symbolic systems that we are awake in, guiding us through intuitive light that relates to the mystical and is nourished through meditation. It’s here we are prepared for the final passage which holds the potential for the rebirth in its seed.
Wk 7- Sahasrāra - Rebirth
The Universe is exactly the way we think it is and that’s why- John Woods
What we seek is the very essence of that which is seeking us- Unknown
We arrive at the crown energy centre. As our consciousness expands, our understanding embraces an ever-larger scope. We discover the immensity of the system we are embedded in, we identify with a universal connection. All information can now encompass knowledge of distance galaxies thousands of light-years away, as well as the dance of subatomic particles existing within each cell of our body. We embrace the story of evolution that covers billions of years and realise we are a part of the entire web of life animals, plants, mountains and seas that make up the endless cycle of death, life and rebirth.
Restoring the crown energy is about awakening into the reality of a spiritual nature as we eliminate the demons of fear, guilt, shame, grief, lies, illusions and attachment, we are liberated from the habitual patterns of our thoughts and are free to experience consciousness as an infinite source. This realisation brings a dissolution of separateness and insight into deeper levels of truth. To embody the crown energy we practise and learn the art of mindfulness bringing the intricate world of the universe into our daily lives.
Balancing Life Force Energy- 4 Week Course
A shorter but deep excursion into the nature of the energy body, its relation to our inner psychology, and its role in our physical health and spiritual experience.
The energy body exists at the level of the subtle experience. This means you can't touch it, smell it, taste it, see it, although some people can however it's very rare. 90% of us experience it at the level of our felt perception as sensation within the body-mind. We will open with a felt perception exercise in each class so that you can practise connecting to yours.
Each one of us will have a unique way of experiencing lifeforce at the level of the body-mind. In a way, we all know what it is on an intuitive level. We know when we are energised and excited about something. We know when we're low energy and we know when we wish we had more of it or feel anxious when we have too much of it.
You’ll learn the concept of charge which is a word for the basic life force running through us. This force is crucial if we are to meet challenges, heal past wounds, and manage the stress of modern life. Even more, it is essential for mastering your own life force and becoming all you can be.